Sunday, 16 February 2014

Bridge Progress Sunday 16 Feb 2014 - GOODBYE TO BAMBANGAN TREE

The contractors crew were also working on Sundays. When I asked them why, they said that the fine weather in the morning must be taken advantage to carry out the earth filling and compaction which was done in layers as per standard engineering procedures.

True enough by 2:30 pm it started drizzling and continued to light rain until midnight.

However much work was done in the morning filling the road area approaching the bridge at the left side which will initially be used as staging area for the fabrication of the steel beams for the bridge.

JKR has also widened the road reserve for highway by acquiring about 3 m width into the land lots near the bridge as shown in the photos. In doing so a majestic bambangan tree has to be cut down.

Two views of the Bambangan Tree belonging to the Majawin Family ( light blue house behind)  that will have to be cut down. Even if it is left at the edge of the road, it will still die because the roots have been filled with that red clay earth on top which drowns the root system.

Additional land acquired from the existing house lots as can be seen by the new location of fence wall from the old one. Land owners along this highway again have to sacrifice a slice of their land for the sake of the highway.

Earth filling works... good and dry working area in the morning on Sunday.

All works on the bored piles were completed as of this date

The staging area for the fabrication of the steel beams for the bridge.


Monday, 10 February 2014

PROGRESS as on 28 Jan 2014 just before their 1 Week CNY Break

Hi folks, 
Have been slack in updating the progress of our new bridge.
As on this date, the bored piles on the left bank are completed which is 3 nos of 1000mm diam and another 3 nos of 600 mm diam next to the river bank.
Round concrete spacer

Completed 1000mm Bored piles

Completed 600mm diam bored piles

Mobilised to the right bank of the river to commence the bored pile works

Some welding works on the steel pipe casing

Concreting of another 1000mm diam bored pile
Concreting with tremie pipe 
The weather has improved from this date, the sun was out and very hot but the ground is still wet and soggy.