Thursday, 28 November 2013


There is only two major works seen today.

1.  At least two excavators are used to cut the hill slope within the road reserve to cater for the road expansion and access to the bridge at the right bank of the river. As expected, large boulders are found and rock breakers attached to one excavator is used to try and break up these rocks.

Above this slope, there is an existing private house whose owner had built a brick fence that encroached into the road reserve. This part of the fence was already removed and a new chainlink fencing is already installed at the land boundary.
Note the brick fence at the top already knocked down and replaced with a chain link fence at the reserve boundary. A retaining wall would have to be built ASAP otherwise the resident's watertank may go down the slope. He he he

2.  Pouring of the concrete into the first bored pile foundation was also carried out today.
Two videos are also linked here for your info.

Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Progress as on 19 Nov 2013

The progress of works for the new bridge is slow because the ground is muddy and soft with rainfall almost every afternoon.
The site sub-contractor who has so far not been willing to give the name of their company have been busy delivering equipments for construction of the 1 m diam bored piles, including machineries and the activities seen today was the unloading of 25mm diam x 12 m reinforcing bars.

Site for one of the borepiles

Close up of the drill tip for the borepile

Heavy traffic slowed down for safety reasons
Unloading reinforcing bars for the borepiles
One tall crane and the front is the boring rig
Thats all for today folks,  see you tommorrow or so

Thursday, 14 November 2013

Introduction and brief history of Dambai Bridge from memory

The old Dambai Bridge at Penampang was built about 50 years ago, I cannot remember the exact year because I was still a little kampung kid then.

Initially it was just a single lane wooden bridge built at a low level, at about half the depth of the river. Hence every time there was a small flood, the bridge cannot be used. Sometimes the bank of the river got washed away and the wooden bridge seemed to be standing by itself in the middle of the river. Sadly I did not even have a black & white camera then otherwise those photos would be a very precious gem for blogging, and would command a high price from collectors.

Because of this flooding problem which occurred at an average of twice a year, the Public Works Department then constructed a single lane steel and concrete bridge at a level well above the highest recorded flood level. However a single lane bridge became a bottleneck because traffic from both sides of the road had to take turns to cross the bridge. An accident occurred where two army personnel lost their lives when their car plunged into the river at the downstream side of the bridge. According to witnesses, they were driving rather too fast from Lok Kawi heading for Jesselton ( as Kota Kinabalu was then known) at around 11pm and could not stop in time before the bridge to make way for another vehicle already crossing the bridge. By avoiding a head-on collision with the other vehicle just about to exit the single lane bridge, their car swerved to the left instead and down to the river bank.

Soon PWD constructed another lane for the bridge also to cater for a six inch water supply pipes and pedestrian lanes on both sides. The bridge remain that way until October 2013 when contractors started mobilising for earth works and machinery for construction of "bored piles" foundations for another 2 lane bridge.

I am starting this blog because after 50 years and now that I am already a pensioner, only then a new steel and concrete bridge is going to be built starting last month to upgrade the existing bridge from two lanes to 4 lanes to cater for the proposed upgrading of the old Penampang-Papar road into a 4 lane highway. The new bridge is going to be constructed at the downstream side of the existing bridge because the other side is occupied by two steel cable bridges belonging to SESB and Telekoms.

Existing Dambai Bridge and the Project Site at the downstream side

Telecoms and electric cable bridges at the upstream side, and another truss bridge for a 1 m diameter water pipeline

Potholes on the existing bridge

Cracks in the middle of the existing bridge. I believe this is a non-structural crack but just the premix reflecting the gap between two single lane bridges that was constructed side by side



And this is the relevant youtube video.